Literaturtipps – U.N. und Weltbank

Cağatay, Nilüfer/ Keklik, Mümtaz/ Lal, Radhika/ Land, James (2000): Budgets as if People Mattered: Democratizing Macroeconomic Policies, SEPED Conference Paper Series, contribution to the five year review of the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing) and the World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen).

Dederichs-Bain, Birgit (2000): Wirklich nur semantische Schlachten? – Ernüchterung und lessons learned. In: Bundesministerium für Familien, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (Hg.), „Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse der Sondergeneralversammlung Peking+5, Frauen 2000: Gleichstellung, Entwicklung und Frieden für das 21. Jahrhundert”.

Elson, Diane (2001): Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives: Some Key Dimensions and Practical Examples. In: UNIFEM-OECD-NORDIC COUNCIL CONFERENCE hosted by Belgian Government on Gender Responsive Budgeting, Brüssel.

Elson, Diane (2006): Budgeting for Women’s Rights Monitoring Government Budgets for Compliance with CEDAW. UNIFEM New York.

Hanson, Carolyn/ Bibi Singh (Hg.) (2006): Gender Responsive Budgeting in Practice. A Training Manual, UNIFEM, New York.

Sharp, Rhonda (2003): Budgeting for equity: Gender budget initiatives within a framework of performance oriented budgeting, UNIFEM.

UNIFEM (Hg.) (2000): Gender-Sensitive Budget Initiatives For Latin America and the Caribbean: A Tool For Improving Accountability and Achieving Effective Policy Implementation. Report prepared by Dr. Simel Esim, Economist of the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), New York.

Zuckerman, Elaine/ Wu, Qing (2003): Reforming the World Bank: Will the new gender strategy make a difference? A study with China case examples, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Washington, D.C.