Scrutinising the Austrian Draft Budget for 2017

The Austrian Parliamentary Budget Committee (see website of the Parliament) compiles analyses and reports for the parliamentary budget committee. In preparation of the parliamentary budget negotiations on the Annual Federal Finance Act for 2017, the Parliamentary Budget Office scrutinised the draft budgetary plans for 2017. One chapter is dedicated to gender equality and gender budgeting. The full version is available here. You might also take a look at the German blog section, where a summary of the report has been provided. Even though it will not provide an official translation, Google Translate may be used in this case.



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Gender Budgeting in the Work of the European Parliament and the EU Budget – Current practice or Grey Theory?

“Europe will not be made all at once,
or according to a single plan. …
It will be built through concrete achievements
which first create a de facto solidarity

Robert Schuman

You are looking for more detailed information. Find the full German version of this article here.  You might use Google Translate in order to to grasp the most essential information in English.

The aim of creating an economic power and everlasting peace in Europe is at the heart of the European project. Starting from this, it has developed into a community of common values: The principle of equality of women and men is an integral part of these values and has been enshrined in primary law. As a matter of fact one might find it worthwhile to ask if equality is also being pushed in the institutional set-up that constitutes the EU. Do EU organs and institutions fully embrace Gender Budgeting? An analysis of the following documents is to shed light on questions like this:

  1. The current resolution on Gender Mainstreaming in the work of the European Parliament from 2016;
  2. The European Parliament resolution of 9 June 2015 on the EU Strategy for equality between women and men post 2015;
  3. The study entitled “The EU Budget for Gender Equality“, which was released in 2015.

They prove that Gender Budgeting ranks on the EU agenda, yet that the road towards it has been a rocky one.Continue Reading Gender Budgeting in the Work of the European Parliament and the EU Budget – Current practice or Grey Theory?

Report on Outcome-Oriented Impact Assessments 2015

Beitragsbild WFA-Bericht ist da


31/05/2016: This day marked the date when the third report on the outcome-oriented impact assessment (WFA Bericht) was submitted to the National Council . The report is a summary of the results of the internal evaluations carried out by the ministries and other supreme organs. It is compiled by the Federal Performance Management Office, which is part of the Federal Chancellery. The report includes evaluations of 48 projects, which were carried out by the respective budgetary bodies. The following six projects were deemed to have had a significant impact on the dimension of “Equality of women and men”:

  • Contract by the labour market service (Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection)
  • Procurement of vaccines for the public pediatric vaccination concept (Federal Ministry of Health)
  • Promoting career opportunities of women in the workplace through advice, education and training” (Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection)
  • Promotion of vocational tertiary education (Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy)
  • Non-profit staff leasing (Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection)
  • “Drahtwurm” project categorised as a de minimis subsidy (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water)

The entire report is available at the website of the federal administration and

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