From 19-23 June 2018, the National Commission on Women Affairs and Socio-Demographic Policy of Kasachstan organised a study visit to Vienna featuring Gender Budgeting in which mostly members of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy of Kasachstan participated.
Head of Department III/1 Gender Equality Policies and Legal Matters in the Federal Chancellery, Vera Jauk, Vice-Head of Department, Karin Maurer, and Katharina Figl provided an insight into Gender Budgeting and Austria’s gender equality targets, measures and indicators in this area, and the work of the Inter-Ministerial Working Group Gender Mainstreaming/Gender Budgeting as well as its products, such as their website, the Gender Index or a database featuring gender equality projects.
By visiting the Division Women and Equality, the delegation from Kasachstan had the opportunity to listen to best practice examples and exchange lessons learned with Austrian public authorities.

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