Gender Equality: The Panacea for Economic Growth

There are overwhelming differences between women and men in the EU …

  • Women are under-represented in STEM-disciplines. 75% of students are male.
  • The average gender gap is 11.6% in terms of employment; it gets higher with every child that needs to be cared for. Childcare duties have been deemed to be the major reason for part-time work for women in 2015 (39% of women would opt for part-time work due to children while only 4% of men would do so for the same reason).
  • Mostly, it is women who are employed in part-time work (2015: 32.1%, men: 8.9%) which entails higher risks of poverty for them.
  • Gender Pay Gap: On average, women earn 16.1% less than men.

Gender-segregated education and training, low employment intensity, lower wages, precarious employment models and unequal distribution of unpaid work are at the heart of these discrepancies.

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